Some Facts About Glioblastoma Multiforme

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The term Glioblastoma refers to a cancerous brain tumor that develops from particular brain cells named astrocytes. Due to its aggressive nature and difficulty to remove, it is considered as one of the dangerous forms of cancer. They spread to the surrounding brain tissues very easily. Imaging tests and biopsies are done to diagnose this disease. Unfortunately, medical science has failed to discover any cure for this disease. Treatments are targeted to slow down the growth of the tumor and to improve the quality of life of the affected person.

Facts about Glioblastoma

  • Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, is an aggressive form of brain cancer
  • It sometimes contains various cell types including dead and decaying cells
  • The grade IV Glioblastoma is extremely powerful and reproduces rapidly. They gradually form their own new blood vessels which is the main reason behind their rapid growth
  • Glioblastomas are infiltrative and invade other cells in the brain.
  • Although they appear commonly in the cerebral hemispheres in the brain, they may also occur anywhere in this organ. In rarest of rare cases glioblastomas spread outside the brain.

Types of this cancer

Glioblastoma can be of two types – primary and secondary

Different Types of Cancer and Treatments

Primary glioblastoma

This is the most common type of glioblastoma that begins as a grade IV tumor without showing any signs of grade I–III tumors in the area.

A study initiated in 2015 revealed that glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) accounts for more than half of all primary malignant gliomas. Gliomas are tumors that begin in the glial cells.

De novo tumors are usually more aggressive than others and mainly affect older people.

Secondary glioblastoma

Secondary glioblastomas are tumors that start developing from lower grade tumors. These tumors may change with time and become more aggressive as they progress.

Causes and risk factors

Doctors have not found out any specific cause of this disease but they do have discussed about the risk factors associated with it. Though it is still difficult to point out risk factors, there has been a correlation between prolonged exposure of head or neck to radiation and glioblastoma in some cases. Medical experts have also linked some hereditary conditions such as neurofibromatosis type 1, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Turcot syndrome with an increased risk of this disease.

Although anyone can be affected with this, it is more common in males than others.

The average age for a glioblastoma diagnosis is 64 years.


As mentioned above, Glioblastomas are aggressive kind of cancer and they start showing symptoms very quickly as the tumor grows and causes brain swelling.

Symptoms of this disease include the following

  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • weakness
  • severe headaches
  • seizures
  • difficulty speaking
  • fatigue
  • vision problems, like blurred vision
  • memory issues
  • trouble balancing
  • changes in personality
  • trouble thinking

Glioblastoma Diagnosis

Several tools are used to detect the deadly disease. These methods include

  • imaging tests
  • a neurological exam
  • molecular testing and
  • a biopsy

Glioblastoma Treatment

Treating Brain cancer can be extremely challenging for doctors, especially due to the body’s blood brain barrier which is a membrane that separates blood from the brain. This barrier plays the role of a security system that restricts infectious germs and other harmful compounds in the blood from getting into the brain.

The bitter truth is that there is no cure for glioblastoma, doctors can only slow down the growth of the tumor with targeted treatment to improve patients’ quality of life. These treatments include the following

  • Surgery
  • chemotherapy
  • radiation
  • electric field therapy
  • Laser interstitial thermal therapy

Survival rate

When it comes to survival rate, Glioblastoma has a poor outlook as it cannot be fully cured. The American Brain Tumor Association reported that based on the nature of the tumor and mutation the median survival for adults with glioblastoma is between 11 and 31 months.

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Signs & Symptoms of Lung Cancer

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Just like in every other cancer, lung cancer also requires early detection for successful cancer treatment. Lung cancer is known to be one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in both males and females in the US/Canada. It starts in the cells of your lungs and grows further when a group of abnormal cells begins to increase and create lumps. Cancer that begins in the lung area can spread to other parts of your body. The early signs and symptoms of lung cancer include a slight cough or shortness of breath which people tend to ignore most of the time. Lung cancer signs depend on the part of the lung from where it has started. These signs become severe as cancer grows further.

In this blog, Dr. Nezami and his team at has discussed some of the prominent signs of lung cancer that one must never ignore.


Lung-cancer: Symptoms, treatment, and early diagnosis

1. Sudden change in a cough

Do not ignore if you notice any changes in a chronic cough, especially if you are a smoker. If you have a tendency of frequent coughing or your cough is deeper or sounds hoarse or you throw up blood or an unusual amount of mucus then its time for you to fix an appointment with your doctor. In case you know someone who is experiencing something like that then ask them to consult with his or her doctor as soon as possible.

2. Pain in the chest area

Lung cancer can sometimes also cause pain in the chest area, shoulders or back. Continuous coughing might not always be the reason for an aching feeling. Inform your doctor as soon as you notice any kind of chest pain whether it is dull, sharp, constant or intermittent. You should also notice if your pain is confined to a particular area or happening throughout your chest. When a lung-cancer is the reason behind your chest pain, the discomfort may be a result of enlarged lymph nodes in the chest wall.

3. Breathing changes

Another possible cause of cancer in lung’s shortness of breath or becoming winded easily. Changes in our breathing habits occur when the lung-cancer blocks or narrows down an airway or fluid from a lung tumor build up in the chest. so if you ever feel difficulty in breathing while climbing stairs or performing a task that was easy for you before, talk to your doctor.

4. Persistent cough

Stay alert for a new cough that lingers. A cough that is linked with cold or any other respiratory infection would go away within a week or two but a persistent cough can be a warning sign of cancer in the lung. Whether your cough is dry or procures mucus, consulting with your doctor will help you detect the real underlying cause of it.

5. Sudden weight loss

A sudden and unexpected weight loss can be associated with either lung cancer or different types of cancer. The presence of cancer in the body uses your body energy to live which drastically drops your weight. Keep a watch on your body weight on a regular basis and contact your doctor if you notice a sudden change.

Who are at risk?

  • Someone who is a chain smoker
  • People between the age of 55 to 60
  • Someone who has a history of smoking within the past 15 years

If you have been experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms of lungcancer do not ignore, talk to your doctor before it is too late. Remember that at, our intention is not to scare you but to make you aware of the disease that will help in lung cancer diagnosis at an early stage.

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Different Types of Cancer and Treatments


Cancer – the simple five letters word is enough to give us sleepless nights. Even after the tremendous growth of medical science and in cancer research, people are still afraid of this term. The advancements in cancer treatments have highly increased the survival rates amongst the patients affected by this disease and we all hope for the day when the term cancer remains only in the list of zodiac signs not in the list of diseases. The only way to fight with the monstrous disease is awareness which has a direct influence on survival rates. This is because cancer treatments become two times more effective if detected at an early stage and detection needs awareness about symptoms.

In this blog Dr. Nezami and his team of has provided a detailed discussion on different types of cancer and their treatments available in California.

Cancer divides cells hysterically which can result in development of tumor, damaged immune system and other impairment that can even be life threatening.

What actually is Cancer?

cancer-cell-3d-illustrationCancer is a type of disease that causes uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. It disrupts the control mechanism of a normal body. Old cells, instead of dying grow uncontrollably forming new and abnormal cells. These excess cells build a mass of tissue which is known as tumor.

The entire concept of cancer covers a vast area in the medical science. Some types of cancer cells cause fast cell growth whereas other cause cells to grow further and divide at slower rate. While certain types of cancer show up signs with the growth of tumor, some other types like blood cancer don’t.

Cells in our body have specific lifespan which means they die at a certain point as a part of a natural process in the body known as Apoptosis. When a cell dies, a newer cell immediately takes its place in the body that functions better. Cancer simply destroys the process and accelerates the growth of abnormal cells in the body. These abnormal cells start building up in the body using the oxygen and nutrients that usually nourish our natural cells. they start sending indication to our bodies by forming tumors, damaging the immune system or causing other changes that usually hamper the normal and regular body functioning.

Although cancerous cells appear in a particular area of the body, they eventually spread their wings through lymph nodes all over the body if remain untreated for long.

What causes of cancer development in a body?

Causes of cancer in human bodies are mainly of two types one is preventable and the other is non preventable. The preventable causes include the following

  • Excessive smoking
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Poor nutrition and
  • Being physically inactive
  • Excess body weight

Apart from the above mentioned causes, other causes of cancer are not preventable. One of the most prominent unpreventable causes is age. As stated by the American Cancer Society, almost 87% of cancer patients in the US age 50 years and older.

The genetic factor

It is true that genes do have a role in the development of cancer cells in a body. A person’s genetic codes instruct the cells about when to divide and expire. Sudden changes in the genes can result in faulty instruction which can certainly take the form of cancer.

Genes also contribute to the production of proteins that carry the instruction for cellular growth and division. There are some genes that change proteins to repair the damage cells which ultimately result in cancer. The parent who has such genes can pass on the changed instruction to their children.

Some genetic changes can even take place after birth and there are certain factors that increase the risk like excessive sun exposure and smoking.

If a person inherits the tendency of cancer, it is known as hereditary cancer syndrome in doctors’ language. Inherited genetic mutations significantly contribute to the development of 5–10 percent of total cases of cancer.

Treatment for Cancer

The continuous research in cancer treatments has drastically brought improvement in medications and treatment technologies. Treatment and medicines are prescribed by doctors based on the stage at diagnosis and the patient’s medical history.

Here are some examples of Cancer treatments California

  • Chemotherapy is the most common type of cancer treatment that focuses on killing the cancerous cells with medicines that target the dividing cells. These drugs are also helpful in reducing the size of tumors but with severe side effects.
  • Hormone therapy is another type of cancer treatment that aims to change the way certain hormones work with the body’s ability to produce them with certain medications. When the cancer is triggered by hormonal factors, this type of treatment is given to the patients. Prostrate and breast cancers are the examples of such type of cancers.
  • The main objective of Immunotherapy treatment is to boost the immune system with medication. Two of such treatment includes checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell transfer.
  • The concept of precision medicine or personalized medicine is comparatively a newer approach. In this treatment a person’s genetic tests are used to decide the best treatment for a patient’s particular presentation of cancer. Researchers are still working on this treatment to prove its usefulness in treating all type of cancer successfully.
  • Under the radiation therapy, high radiation is used to target and kill the cancerous cells in the body. It is also used to shrink the tumor before surgery.
  • Stem cells transplant is a special type of cancer treatment that is mainly beneficial for patients with blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. it removes white and red blood cells that have already been destroyed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Lab technicians then strengthen the cells and put them back into the patient’s body.
  • Surgery in Cancer treatment is done to remove the tumor from body. The doctor may even eliminate the lymph nodes to stop the disease from spreading.
  • Targeted therapy prevents cancer cells from multiplying and boosts the immune system.

Types of cancer

The common type of cancer in the US is breast cancer followed by lung and prostate cancer as stated by the National Cancer Institute. Other type of cancers include:

  • kidney
  • leukemia
  • liver
  • blood
  • skin
  • endometrial
  • non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • thyroid
  • pancreatic
  • bladder
  • colon and rectal

Apart from these above-mentioned types of cancer, other forms are comparatively less common.

The advancements in Cancer research and development have highly contributed to reducing the death rates due to cancer. When a person is diagnosed with this deadly disease, the outlook highly depends on how much the disease has spread and its type, severity, and location.

After non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer seen in the U.S. However, lung cancer causes the maximum number of cancer-related deaths. But the good news is that the overall cancer-related deaths have declined by 26% between 1991 and 2015, confirmed the American Cancer Society.

Cancer Fundraising

CRL Foundation’s main goal is to be able to bring hope to patients while using research and clinical development. You can donate for the patient with cancer and give hope.

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